NRPR 101: Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics
Wide lens introduction to NI theory, practice, skills & competencies.
NRPR 102: Human Factors in Informatics
Ergonomics, computer asepsis, interaction, aesthetics, usability.
NRPR 103: mHealth for Continuity of Care
Mobile health apps, mHealth, Connected health, mobile devices, informatics.
NRPR 104: The Rise of Telehealth
Value-based, access, continuity, resource use, implementation.
NRED 100: Virtual Education for Nursing I
Theory and practice in creating online courses for nursing education or PD.
NRED 200: Virtual Education for Nursing 2
Theory and practice in creating online courses for nursing education or PD Pt 2.
NRED 103: Nursing Informatics in the Classroom
Theory & practice on how to integrate informatics into nursing education.
NRBU 100: Web Presence for Nursing
Theory, principles, coding & practice in web site presence for health and nursing.
NRBU 101: Social Media for Nurses
Theory, principles & practice in using social media professionally.
NRBU 102: System Design Life Cycles
Theory, principles & practice in using system design, analysis, and evaluation.
NRBU 103: The Promise of Artificial Intelligence
Overview of AI theory, principles for practice, analytics, security, value.
NRBU 104: Harnessing HIPAA for Optimal Care
Practical applications of HIPAA rules and principles in nursing practice.
NRTH 100: Novice to Expert Theory
Hubert and Stuart Dreyfus's and Patricia Benner's theory applied to Informatics.
NRTH 101: Diffusion of Innovation Theory
Everett Rogers' valuable change model for guiding technological innovation.
NRTH 102: Lewin's Change Theory
Kurt Lewin's milestone theory applied to informatics related change planning.
NRTH 103: Appreciative Inquiry Theory
David Cooperrider's inspirational theory for informatics implementation.
NRTH 104: Usability Theory
Usability is a key consideration when using technology in health care.
NRTH 106 - McKinsey 7-S Framework
Outlines the seven key elements of organizational planning and change.
NRTH 105: DIKW Theory
The importance of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in informatics.
NRTH 107 - Prosci ADKAR Model
Provides a guide for leaders to support individual change within organizations.
NRTH 108 - Socio-Technical Theory
Focuses on the social, technical and environmental dimensions of change.
NRRS 105: Quantitative Research and Technology
Theory and practice in quantitative research design and process.