This website was first created in 2000 by June Kaminski as a medium for sharing nursing informatics information and to encourage nurses to learn more about this evolving field. It is the author's firm belief that all nurses around the planet need informatics knowledge and skills - this site began as a humble offering to support this. Over the years, various resources and writing have been added to the site, including approved CE Courses, first offered in 2007. These completely on-line, self paced courses are approved by the State of California Board of Registered Nursing for full CE credit; CE Provider No. CEP 14891.
Current Focus and Future Plans
Resources offered on this site include a blog and other social media intended to keep nurses abreast of global innovations and trends that relate to nursing informatics. As well, a quarterly ezine, links to open online journals, schools, and other online goodies, and a self-assessment area that includes the P.A.T.C.H. Assessment scale used to gauge cyberphobia in the use of technology within nursing are available. Various portfolio features may be valuable to nurses and nursing educators and leaders including articles, book chapters, and presentations. In the future, we intend to flesh out these resources to include more infographics and multimedia to inspire and guide nurses to learn even more about nursing informatics.
All of the courses on this site are suitable for beginners to nursing informatics as well as experts in the fleid looking for related courses to support re/certification.
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Available CE Courses
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12.8 mill.