Nursing Informatics, a term coined to describe the integration of nursing science with information and computer science, has developed into a mandatory focus for all registered nurses on a global scale. For the past four decades, literature, research and a growing body of practice have addressed the theoretical and practical aspects of informatics in nursing.
Now, in the twenty-first century, official organizations, schools, and continuing education which help prepare nurses for engaging in informatics - related practice are springing up all over the world, primarily in technologically advanced nations. There is a growing need for practicing registered nurses, nurse educators and researchers and nursing administration to ensure that the expected competencies in informatics are met.
This site was created to offer registered nurses an online tool for self assessment in general Nursing Informatics competencies. Various competency taxonomies have been reviewed and integrated in the process. The intention of this work is to give you a preliminary analysis of your current expertise and learning needs in the realm of informatics in nursing. The results of this assessment do not represent testing or examinations offered by any informatics - related organization or particular school. This is purely a professional development exercise in self assessment for the purpose of assisting you in creating a personal learning plan for further education and practice.
Point to Ponder
"It is important then, for nurses to become critically aware of how and why they are using computers in nursing care, and that they become knowledgeable and skilled enough to influence the way nursing care becomes digitized." - June Kaminski, 2007