Take advantage of our Annual NILC course Summer Sale! Summer can be the perfect time to earn your required CE credits for license renewal plus increase your knowledge and skills in the fascinating realm of nursing informatics! Each week until the end of August, various courses will be offered for 20% to 30% off the usual low tuition fee. Remember… Read more →
Nurses’ Week CE Course Sale – Enroll Now and Save!!
Let us help you to celebrate Nurses’ Week and Nursing Informatics Day with our 20% off all courses Sale! Take advantage of our sale to improve your learning or give a course as a present for your loved one, your friend, your employee, or yourself – it’s a gift that keeps on giving!!! Earn required CE credits for license renewal or certification plus increase knowledge and skills in the fascinating realm of nursing informatics! Read more →
Incorporating Aboriginal Wisdom to Promote Ecoliteracy
PRESENTED ON MAR 24, 2016 IN SURREY @ VOL 6 Ecological sustainability is a goal of many Canadian organizations and professionals, including nurses. The most logical source of sustainability wisdom that promotes ecological wholeness are traditional Aboriginal teachings and philosophies. Nursing educational programs are beginning to incorporate Aboriginal wisdom into curriculum to promote holistic nursing care of First Nations, Metis… Read more →
The Year of Global Understanding: How Informatics Fits
by June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c) The International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC) and the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) jointly declared that 2016 would be the International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU) – which officially began on February 2nd. “The International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU) addresses the ways in which… Read more →
Leap Year Sale – all courses 20% off!
Let us help you to celebrate Leap Year with our 20% off all courses Sale! Take advantage of our sale to improve your learning or give a course as a present for your loved one, your friend, your employee, or yourself – it’s a gift that keeps on giving!!! Earn required CE credits for license renewal or certification plus increase… Read more →
NI News Ezine Volume 11 No 1
The latest NI News Ezine Volume 11 No 1 has just been published. Read more →
mHealth is significant for Nursing Informatics!
There are literally thousands of apps currently available that relate to health, wellness, and potentially, healthcare. Many are designed to be used by individuals to boost, track, or provide guidance for better health. Nurses and other health professionals can play a key role in ensuring that people develop literacy in assessing the utility and reliability of these apps and know to seek guidance if they have questions about the integrity of health-related apps they are using on their own mobile devices. Read more →
Happy Valentine Day Sale!
Let us help you to celebrate Valentine Day with our 20% off all courses Sale! The gift of learning can be the perfect present for your loved one, your friend, your employee, or yourself – it’s a gift that keeps on giving!!! Earn required CE credits for license renewal or certification plus increase knowledge and skills in the fascinating realm… Read more →
Our New Years Sale is On! Save 20% on Everything!
Ring in the New Year with our 20% of all courses New Years Sale! The gift of learning can be the perfect present for your loved one, your friend, your employee, or yourself – it’s a gift that keeps on giving!!! Earn required CE credits for license renewal plus increase knowledge and skills in the fascinating realm of nursing informatics!… Read more →
Making Health Resolutions Permanent
New Year’s resolutions are a custom that people have attempted to practice for many years. It is a positive practice that leads people to envision what they might be if they could just stick to a plan of action (which usually equates to discipline) consistently over the coming year. Read more →