Presented at Teaching with Pizzazz Conference, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, April 21, 2017 Abstract A demonstration to show how telehealth equipment like the new Livecare case and cart recently purchased by KPU can enhance the Faculty of Health simulation labs significantly by providing necessary education in utilizing telehealth equipment to assess, document, store, and discuss practice-related health data and information. This… Read more →
Monthly Archives: June 2017

Incorporating Aboriginal Wisdom to promote Ecoliteracy
Presented at Teaching & Learning Symposium, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, June 7, 2017 Abstract Ecological sustainability is a goal of many Canadian organizations and professionals, including educators and students. The most logical source of sustainability wisdom that promotes ecological wholeness is traditional Aboriginal teachings and philosophies. Nursing educational programs are beginning to incorporate Aboriginal wisdom into curriculum to promote holistic nursing… Read more →

Call for Submissions to the CJNI
The Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics (CJNI) is looking for papers, presentations, book/web site/software/resource reviews, and other digital works related to Nursing Informatics in Practice, Education, Research and Administration. Please join us in showcasing how Nursing Informatics is being shaped in Canada and globally. Please do not think that your work is not “good enough”! If it pertains to nursing… Read more →