Tag Archive for informatics

Figure 1 shows an example of a PowerPoint title page

VoiceThread: Enhancing Virtual Interaction for Dialogue and Synthesis

by June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c)   The challenge Nursing education is slowly moving towards hybrid/blended (partially online) as well as fully online courses. One of the biggest challenges in making the online components of these courses meaningful is how to easily support interactivity and establish a sense of presence. VoiceThread is a very accessible and high-performing tool that helps… Read more →

Informatics and Primary Health Care: Reflections on the Biennium

Informatics and Primary Health Care: Reflections on the Biennium

by June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c) CJNI Editor in Chief Introduction From June 19 to 22nd, I had the pleasure of experiencing the Canadian Nurses’ Association Biennium Convention in Saint John, New Brunswick that focused on the theme, Nurses: Driving the Shift to Primary Health Care. As both a presenter and a participant, I felt right at home with these… Read more →

2016 Winner of the KPU Distinguished Teaching Award

Distinguished Teaching Award

2016 Winner of the KPU Distinguished Teaching Award PRESS RELEASE SOURCES: Kwantlen Polytechnic University News@KPU, Vol. 3. No. 3, June 2016 and listed on KPU Award Recipient List In Perspective…. Outstanding teaching is a core element of Kwantlen Polytechnic University, and accordingly, the University recognizes and celebrates outstanding examples of teaching. The Kwantlen Polytechnic University Award for Distinguished Teaching is… Read more →

Nurses Week Sale on all Courses

Nurses’ Week CE Course Sale – Enroll Now and Save!!

Let us help you to celebrate Nurses’ Week and Nursing Informatics Day with our 20% off all courses Sale! Take advantage of our sale to improve your learning or give a course as a present for your loved one, your friend, your employee, or yourself – it’s a gift that keeps on giving!!! Earn required CE credits for license renewal or certification plus increase knowledge and skills in the fascinating realm of nursing informatics! Read more →

The Year of Global Understanding

The Year of Global Understanding: How Informatics Fits

by June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c) The International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC) and the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) jointly declared that 2016 would be the International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU) – which officially began on February 2nd. “The International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU) addresses the ways in which… Read more →

mHealth is important

mHealth is significant for Nursing Informatics!

There are literally thousands of apps currently available that relate to health, wellness, and potentially, healthcare. Many are designed to be used by individuals to boost, track, or provide guidance for better health. Nurses and other health professionals can play a key role in ensuring that people develop literacy in assessing the utility and reliability of these apps and know to seek guidance if they have questions about the integrity of health-related apps they are using on their own mobile devices. Read more →