NI 2016 Geneva

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GENEVAThe 13th International Congress in Nursing Informatics will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from June 25 to 29, 2016.

The theme of the conference : eHealth for all – Every level collaboration – From project to realization

Welcome to NI2016 Geneva, Switzerland

Geneva is the place to be on June 26th 2016!

This major congress will welcome about 1’000 Nurses and Medical Professionals from around the world. You will have the opportunity to hear latest scientific discoveries, engage lasting collaboration and professional friendships along with discussions and debates on controversial informatics topics, learn from others in your field, and connect to the leaders in informatics.

Cutting-edge information

+ For the first time during a Nursing Informatics event, a fashion show will be organised along with impressive innovations throughout the event.

+ Bursaries will be available – more information to follow very soon.

+ There is a place for you even if you are not comfortable with the English language. Translation will be provided in several languages during the plenary sessions.


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