Tag Archive for apps

A Phenomenological Analysis of the Experience of Nursing Students’ Usage of Various Technologies Within a Hybrid Degree Program

This research study was done by 29 of my students and I as a collaborative assignment in a BSN qualitative research class. The focus is on the use of technologies within a hybrid degree program. Each student worked on one aspect of the research process as part of a team to complete this study within one semester. Background and Philosophy… Read more →

iPads in nursing education qualitative study Part 1

by June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c)  PART ONE: ASSIGNMENT DESIGN   Most BSN nursing programs include course(s) in nursing research. The program I teach in offers two courses — one in qualitative and the other in quantitative research. The students who come into this program already have a degree in some other discipline, thus about a third to a half… Read more →

Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark for User-Friendly Web Creations

by June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c) Adobe software has been an industry leader in the creative and publishing fields for years. Due to the quality and high standing, access to their software is considered quite expensive and beyond the range of many users, especially when used for education or personal purposes. Creative and professional designers do invest in the Creative… Read more →

Informatics and Primary Health Care: Reflections on the Biennium

Informatics and Primary Health Care: Reflections on the Biennium

by June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c) CJNI Editor in Chief Introduction From June 19 to 22nd, I had the pleasure of experiencing the Canadian Nurses’ Association Biennium Convention in Saint John, New Brunswick that focused on the theme, Nurses: Driving the Shift to Primary Health Care. As both a presenter and a participant, I felt right at home with these… Read more →