News & Trends

August CE Course Summer Sale for this week….

Take advantage of our Annual NILC course Summer Sale! Summer can be the perfect time to earn your required CE credits for license renewal plus increase your knowledge and skills in the fascinating realm of nursing informatics! Each week in July and August,  particular courses will be offered for 20% off the usual low tuition fee. This week our summer… Read more →

Bluetooth ring

The Bluetooth Ring

An exciting new wearable input device invention called the Bluetooth Ring is preparing to come to market.  An active Kickstarter campaign is underway to support mass production. Mashable described the ring: “Logbar CEO Takuro Yoshida gave a detailed demonstration of the silver interactive device last year in San Francisco, and now Ring is available for purchase through a Kickstarter campaign.… Read more →

The Guide to the Future of Medicine

Download the White Paper with Infographic by Bertalan Meskó (MD, PhD) An interesting infographic and white paper is available on Dr Meskó’s site with tips and predictions on where technology in health care is headed. The author writes: “Being a medical futurist means I work on bringing disruptive technologies to medicine & healthcare; assisting medical professionals and students in using… Read more →