Computers and Community Development
Community development strategies have gained acceptance by nurses and other professionals as crucial tools for developing sustainable healthy communities. With wide spread technological connectivity initiatives by governmental and other organizational bodies, the use of computers and the internet for community development is becoming more and more, a reality. Computer technology, and internet connectivity have been used by communities in:
- achieving sustainable growth and development in the community;
- facilitating a movement towards increased self-reliance and community control;
- fostering diversity and distinctiveness of communities;
- enhancing equity and inclusiveness within the community; and
- contributing to the development of an evolutionary, continuous model of development.
Ends in View
This learning activity is intended to give the learner the opportunity to:
1. Incorporate the use of computers and technology in Community Development initiatives in their course work.
2. Appreciate the various ways that computers, the Internet, and technological applications can facilitate community development in urban and rural communities.
3. Recognize the role of nurses in using computers for community development.
In Preparation
1. EXPLORE: Fuller, T., Guy, D. & Pletsch, C. (2002). Asset Mapping: A handbook
2. BROWSE: Smith, A. & Frank, F.
The community development facilitator's guide: A tool to support the community development handbook. Human Resources Development Canada. Service Canada: Ottawa.
3. READ: Frank, F. & Smith, A. The Community Development Handbook: A Tool to build community capacity. Human Resources Development Canada. Service Canada: Ottawa.
4. BROWSE: Cyburbia, the planning community - an excellent example of an online community (created in 1994!)i of urban and city planners and those interested in sustainable development
5. BROWSE: TechSoup - The Technology Place for Nonprofits Categories include: nonprofit discounts on technology, tech planning, using the web, software reviews, a community networking center, and tools for technical support.
In Practice
1. As you plan your Community Development project, incorporate the use of computers, the Internet and/or other technological applications to facilitate your work in some way. You decide which application to use, and which part of your project computers would facilitate best.
View computers and technology as enabling tools, which exist to make your work easier, more
organized, more professional, and easier to share with others.
2. Share how you used technology in your Community Development work with your peers and faculty in class.
In Reflection
1. Envision how Community development will be done when you graduate from this program.
- What kind of advancements in computer technology do you predict will take place?
- How will these changes impact on Community Development?
- Community Building Resources (CBR) (1999). Community Capacity Building and Asset Mapping
- Frank, F. & Smith, A. (1999). The Community Development Handbook: A Tool to build community capacity. Human Resources Development Canada. Service Canada: Ottawa.
- Smith, A. & Frank, F. (1999).
The community development facilitator's guide: A tool to support the community development handbook. Human Resources Development Canada. Service Canada: Ottawa.