Relevant Social Media Resources
Social media can be used in a variety of ways by nurses and nursing students. They can join or follow individuals, organizations, educational offerings, news, research, and other accounts to learn, grow and communicate. Common media used for these purposes include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Snapchat - though there are many more.
Pertinent Facebook Accounts to Join or Follow
Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
CASN/ACESI is the national voice for nursing education, research, and scholarship and represents baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs in Canada.
Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics
CJNI is a free, peer-reviewed, online, quarterly journal. We are looking for papers, presentations, book/web site/software/resource reviews, and other digital works related to Nursing Informatics in Practice, Education, Research and Administration. Please join us in showcasing how Nursing Informatics is being shaped in Canada and globally.
Canadian Nurses Association @CNA.AIIC
CNA is the national and global professional voice of Canadian nursing. We advance the practice and profession of nursing to improve health outcomes and strengthen Canada’s publicly funded, not-for-profit health system.
Canadian Nursing Students' Association @CNSA.AEIC
We are a bilingual and pan-Canadian organization advocating for the needs of all nursing students. As a member of CNSA, you have the opportunity to interact with other nursing students on educational, professional, and social levels.
Nurses Helping Nursing Students
This group is for all nurses and students. Nurses can seek or offer support, encouragement, and advice or share stories and best practices. We come from across the Continents and in all types of practices, and from many different schools.
Nursing Students - @allnursingstudents
Nursing Students is available to help students network, share best practices relating to nursing education, discuss clinical/classroom experiences, and nursing resources. Helping you become a better nurse.
Student Nurses - @StudentNurses
Scrub Mag's community where nursing students can support, learn, and share from each other.
Student Nursing Times - @StudentNT
The latest clinical nursing news, peer support for student nurses and blogs from our student nurse editors.
Surviving Nursing School with Nurse Angie
This private group serves as a platform for nursing student conversation, learning, exchange, and tutoring/ mentoring. We have weekly live feeds, NCLEX prep and pre-nursing!
The Nerdy Nurse @TheNerdyNurse
Brittney Wilson, RN, BSN, also known as The Nerdy Nurse, is a Clinical Informatics Specialist practicing in Georgia. Author, Blogger, and Social Media Influencer. Patient, Nurse, and Technology Advocate.
Pertinent Instagram Accounts to Follow
Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association @cina.nurses
The mission of the Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association is to improve the health of Indigenous Peoples, by supporting Indigenous Nurses and by promoting the development and practice of Indigenous Health Nursing.
In advancing this mission, the Association will engage in activities related to recruitment and retention, member support, consultation, research and education.
Canadian Nurses Association @canadanurses
CNA is the national and global professional voice of Canadian nursing. We advance the practice and profession of nursing to improve health outcomes and strengthen Canada’s publicly funded, not-for-profit health system.
Danielle LeVeck @nurseabnormalities
Danielle LeVeck, DNP, ACNPC-AG, CNS, RN, CCRN is an ICU Nurse Practitioner, blogger, writer, and social media influencer, who strives to empower and inspire nurses from all backgrounds, to partake in regular self-care and multidisciplinary teamwork, for the sake of providing optimal patient care.
Kati Kleber @kati_kleber
Kleber is an author, nurse, educator, and host of the FreshRN podcast. Along with cute pics and videos from her life, she also regularly posts reminders about different podcast topics and funny/inspirational/helpful nursing memes.
Mommy Labor Nurse @mommy.labornurse
Liesel Teen is a labor and delivery nurse who posts memes, videos, and education for nurses and moms-to-be alike. Her Instagram account, in particular, is dedicated to providing parents with access to online prenatal courses so they can make informed decisions at every step of the birthing journey.
Scrubs Magazine @scrubsmag
News, links to articles, insiration and thoughtful memes for nurses.
Pertinent Twitter Accounts to Follow
Berci Meskó, MD, PhD @Berci
Director of The Medical Futurist Institute, science fiction fanatic, health tracker with a mission to bring future technologies to healthcare.
Campaign For Action @Campaign4Action
Backed by AARP Foundation, AARP, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action is transforming health and health care through nursing, and building a healthier America. We collaborate with nurses, health providers, consumers, educators, and businesses in every state to improve health and health equity by strengthening nursing.
Eric Topol, MD @EricTopol
is an American cardiologist, scientist, and author. He is the founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, a professor of Molecular Medicine at The Scripps Research Institute, and a senior consultant at the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases at Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, California. He is editor-in-chief of Medscape and theheart.org. He has published three bestseller books on the future of medicine. The Creative Destruction of Medicine (2010), The Patient Will See You Now (2015), and Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again (2019). He was also commissioned by the UK 2018–2019 to lead planning for the National Health Service's future workforce, integrating genomics, digital medicine, and artificial intelligence.
Medscape Nurses @MedscapeNurses
Medscape Nurses helps you stay current with breaking medical news; quickly look up drugs, diseases, and procedures; and complete free CE activities.
Nursing Times @NursingTimes
Nursing Times is the independent voice of nursing. We educate, inform and support the nursing profession.
The Nerdy Nurse @TheNerdyNurse
Brittney Wilson, RN, BSN, also known as The Nerdy Nurse, is a Clinical Informatics Specialist practicing in Georgia. Author, Blogger, and Social Media Influencer. Patient, Nurse, and Technology Advocate.
What are Listserves and Discussion Lists Anyway?
Listservs refers both to a mailing service for discussion groups and electronic conferences, and the discussion groups or lists themselves. There are literally thousands of Listserv discussion groups covering a bevy of topics. You must formally subscribe to a Listserv to become
a list member. Messages written by other list members will then be sent directly to your email account where you can read, delete, reply to, or save them. An active discussion
list can result in numerous messages everyday, so be sure to check your email account regularly, delete unwanted messages, and make sure you can manage the volume.
Listserv Addresses
Each list has at least two addresses: the Listserve host address and the actual List address. The Listserv host address is used to subscribe or
unsubscribe to a Discussion List. Listserv host addresses are usually easy to recognize if they begin with the name Listserv. In recent years,
though, that has become less of a commonality. Usually though, an information site is available to guide you through the subscription process.
The List Name address is used for sending and receiving List messages to and from other List members.
Subscribing and Unsubscribing to a Discussion List
EXAMPLE: To subscribe to the list "nursing-l", a nursing informatics list on the Listserv host
LISTSERV@lists.umass.edu you need to: Start an email session, and prepare to compose a new message.
Leave the subject line blank unless instructed to type something in it, for instance, the word "subscribe".
To: LISTSERV@lists.umass.edu
- - Message Text - -
subscribe nursing-l jane doe
To Unsubscribe from the same list, send an identical message, except replace "subscribe" with "unsubscribe".
Other List Serv Commands
Besides subscribing and unsubscribing there are several other useful commands that you can send to the LIST SERV address including:
- set [listname] nomail - temporarily stops delivery of email from a Listserv.
- set [listname] mail - resumes delivery of email from a Listserv.
- help - gets basic help with using a Listserv.
- list short - get a brief description of the particular lists served by a Listserv host.
- list global - get a list of all known Listservs.
- where [listname] - to find the name and location of a list, e.g. nursing-l list
Sending Messages to a List
To participate in a discussion list, once subscribed, you can either reply to all the subscribers on the list, reply to the person who originated a message only, or compose a new message and send it to the listname address (not the list serv address!). Clear instructions on how to interact on a particular list are always given, once you subscribe successfully.
Online Directories of Lists & Blogs (click on Site title to View)
Australian College of Mental Health Nurses
These eLists are specifically for mental health nurses to discuss clinical and other issues related to their practice. These lists provide a mental health nursing community discussion forum; they may not be used by third parties (individuals or groups) to promote a product, event, business or organisation.
Welcome to CataList, the catalog of LISTSERV lists! From this page, you can browse any of the 54,291 public LISTSERV lists on the Internet, search for mailing lists of interest, and get information about LISTSERV host sites.
National Library of Medicine Email Lists
Comprehensive list of discussion lists related to the healthcare, medicine, practice, research, and experiences.
Patient Communities
Offers a list of several discussion lists targetting patients with a variety of health challenges. Go to the site, and look them over!
75 Top-Notch Medical Blogs Every Health Care Pro Should Know
If you’re interested in a wide range of medical topics, these blogs are worth checking out. They’re also great for those who want to be more informed about health, but have difficulty figuring out where to start.
Top 100 Healthcare Blogs, Websites & Influencers in 2021
Useful list of relevant blogs, organized by rank, posts, and followers.
Pertinent Mailing and Discussion Lists to Join
(for Action Research List) is maintained at Southern Cross University in Australia. People interested in Action Research occasionally post things there. To subscribe to the list, use your e-mail to send a message to:
listproc@scu.edu.au The message should read:
Subscribe ARLIST-L Your Name and contain no other words.
Evidence Based Health (EBH)
EBH is the application of critical appraisal to problems in health care. Follow the directions on the site to subscribe to several interesting email lists.
A discussion list for geriatric health care
professionals. To join, go to link and complete the online form.
Health Literacy Discussion List
The listserv provides a forum to share ideas, get advice, ask questions, and make announcements. There are currently over 1,500 members on this listserv.
is a listserver for nurses interested or involved in research.
To subscribe send an e-mail to: Listserv@listserv.kent.edu
with the message: SUBSCRIBE NURSRES
Women's Health Lists
An extensive directory of various Women's health related discussion lists, including some specifically for nurses.