Tag Archive for primary health care

How does Informatics support Primary Health Care?

How does Informatics support Primary Health Care?

by June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c) Editor in Chief CJNI was initiated by June Kaminski in 2006 when she was President-Elect of CNIA. She is currently Faculty and Curriculum Coordinator of a BSN Advanced Entry nursing program at Kwantlen Polytechnic University; Communications Officer, Webmaster, and former President of the Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment and Editor in Chief… Read more →

Informatics and Primary Health Care: Reflections on the Biennium

Informatics and Primary Health Care: Reflections on the Biennium

by June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c) CJNI Editor in Chief Introduction From June 19 to 22nd, I had the pleasure of experiencing the Canadian Nurses’ Association Biennium Convention in Saint John, New Brunswick that focused on the theme, Nurses: Driving the Shift to Primary Health Care. As both a presenter and a participant, I felt right at home with these… Read more →