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"Ultimately, I want to argue that the nature of cyberspace itself might be said to encourage the proliferation of cybersubcultures, first by allowing us to collectivize our obsessions globally, and second by requiring that we prioritize aspects of ourselves in order to make sense of the infinite streams of information that circulate online. "

"New social movements have been quick to recognize the potential of cyberspace, especially in forging global connectedness and transcending the parocialism of nation-based politics."

"Media reporting of cybersubcultures - particularly hackers - continues this trend (criticizing and promoting), stereotyping groups but also spotlighting (and often inadvertently heroizing) their activities."

David Bell, p. 163 and 165

Q 3. If cyberspace encourages subcultural work, how does this work shape the identities of those involved?

The Scheme Underground  The Scheme Underground
Are you interested in hacking advanced Scheme systems at MIT? We are looking for hackers to do design and implementation work on these packages.
Hackers Breaking Barriers: Talking with Hackers
Slide Show of tips for researching the culture of hackhood.