Qualitative Research: Qualitative interviews in medical research

BMJ 1995;311:251-253 (22 July)
Education and debate
Qualitative Research: Qualitative interviews in medical research
Nicky Britten, lecturer in medical sociology a

a Department of General Practice, United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals, London SE11 6SP

Conducting In dpth Qualitative Interviews

Dr. William Marsiglio
Conducting Qualitative In-depth Interviews

Persons who wish to conduct an effective qualitative in-depth interview will need to appreciate the
purpose of these types of interviews and the basic techniques associated with them. While qualitative
interviews can be guided by different objectives, those that you will conduct for this course will be
based on the assumption that if done properly, interviewers will be able to help individuals represent
their personal experiences fairly well

What is Qualitative Interviewing?

exploring diverse interview types


posted at 04:53:17 on 07/02/07 by nursing - Category: Methodology


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