First Nations ways of knowing: Developing experiential knowledge in nursing through an Elder in Residence Program
Presented at Xi Eta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International 17th Annual Ethel Johns Forum, Feb 4th, 2012, Vancouver, BC.

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The establishment of a pilot Elder in Residence program was done to facilitate integrated curriculum in the three nursing degree programs at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, and to serve as a culturally appropriate leader and experiential resource for faculty and students.
In addition, we included our Elder in the planning and delivery of:
☸ A faculty workshop (for all nursing programs) to orient to aboriginal ways of knowing, teaching and learning
☸ The exploration for establishment of community based Practice Placements on local reserves and urban organizations
☸ The development and delivery of culturally sensitive Recruitment materials and workshop strategies to attract aboriginal students into the nursing programs
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