14 May

Sample Thesis Layout - UBC

14:58:04 - nursing - No comments

Traditional Thesis Specifications

Traditional theses contain the following components, in this order:

Preliminary Pages

(numbered in lower case Roman numerals)

1. Title page (mandatory)
2. Abstract (mandatory - maximum 350 words)
3. Table of contents (mandatory - list all items in the preliminary pages starting with the abstract, followed by chapter headings and subheadings, bibliographies and appendices)
4. List of tables (mandatory if thesis has tables)
5. List of figures (mandatory if thesis has figures)
6. List of illustrations (mandatory if thesis has illustrations)
7. Lists of symbols, abbreviations or other (optional)
8. Glossary (optional)
9. Preface (optional)
10. Acknowledgements (optional)
11. Dedication (optional)

Body of Thesis

(not all sections may apply)

1. Introduction
2. Main body
3. Notes (optional)
4. Footnotes (optional)
5. Bibliography (mandatory)
6. Appendices (optional, except for copies of all required UBC Research Ethics Board's Certificates of Approval, if they were required for your research)
7. Index (optional)
14:27:09 - nursing - No comments

Draft Research Questions

Interview Guide
A qualitative analysis of faculty perceptions of
nursing informatics and education culture

1. Please tell me what the term “nursing informatics” means to you.
2. What does nursing informatics theory mean to you? How about nursing informatics practice?
3. In your opinion, what place does nursing informatics have within nursing education?
4. Would you please describe how nursing informatics does or does not fit the particular courses you teach?
5. What do you feel your personal responsibility is in relation to teaching students about nursing informatics?
6. How do you personally include technology in your teaching?
7. How do your students use technology to complete program assignments?
8. How do you see nursing informatics impacting on your students' ability to apply competent and humanistic client care ?
9. Would you please describe how you have observed nursing informatics being applied within the practice setting?
10. How are students included in this application within the practice setting?
11. What impact on client care have you observed from the application of nursing informatics in the practice setting?
12. How does the use of technology and nursing informatics applications and theory impact on your ability to teach nursing the way you feel it should be taught?
13. Do you feel supported in your decision to include or not include nursing informatics in your teaching? By whom?
14. In your opinion, what is the ideal way to utilize technology to teach nursing?
15. What are your predictions about the future of nursing informatics within nursing education in the next ten years?
16. What would it take to support faculty to experiment with various technologies within nursing education? Why?
14:22:23 - nursing - No comments

07 May

Cultivating an informatics culture within nursing education


Cultivating an informatics culture within nursing education. e-Health 2008: Extending the Reach from May 4-7, 2008 in Vancouver, Canada. Presented on May 5

18:05:04 - nursing - No comments