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June Kaminski
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Harnessing the Wave of Co-Creation
Co-creation has developed into a buzz-word for corporate and organizational management over the past decade. Essentially, co-creation is interpreted as the process of close involvement of end-users (clients, customers) in the development of services and products, a process that includes the consumer as a vital part of the development process. A far cry from entrenched Fordism, Bernaysism, and Taylorism approaches to marketing and development, co-creation affords both choice and voice to clients and stakeholders. The informed client is valued, and adds value to the design process - whether it is for the design of a definitive product, service, course, or process.
Co-creation did not evolve directly from the commercial sector - it just gained a visible momentum there. Open source software development movements which have ultimately led to rich social media applications, mirrored the co-creation process much earlier and continue to develop diverse tools that people from all walks of life can use to co-create digital content in a variety of forms.
James Cherkoff & Johnnie Moore (2006) wrote that "co-creation is an energetic process, not an intellectual exercise" (p.3). Sanders and Stappers (2008) defined co-creation as "any act of collective creativity" (p. 6). The authors go further to say, "To embrace co-creativity requires that one believes that all people are creative" and that "the predominant culture accepts egalitarian idea sharing" (p. 9).
The principles of co-creation are evident in vital communities of practice, social groups, and expert teams where people come together to collaboratively create and share information, knowledge, and content beyond market exchange. The application of co-creation in eHealth and education via the medium of new media is beginning to evolve, but has not reached the level of fervour experienced in open source IT or business circles.
Pater (2009) described four types of co-creation configurations, primarily found in the business and open source sectors as well as communities of practice. These configurations include:
a) a Club of Experts style of co-creation, best suited "for very specific time - pressured challenges that demand expertise and breakthrough ideas" (p. 2).
b) a Crowd of People or "Crowd-sourcing" style that "unleashes the power of the masses ... using online platforms, people can rate and respond to each other's suggestions and ideas" (p.2).
c) a Coalition of Parties occurs when a people from various organizations "team up to share ideas and investments" (p.2), such as when companies decide to co-brand a product or service.
d) a Community of Kindred Spirits refers to "groups of people with similar interests and goals come together and create something for the greater good. This model - so far - works mostly in software development and leverages the potential force of a large group of people with complementary areas of expertise" (p.2).
Pater (2009) went further to define two central dimensions to the four types of co-creation: the dimensions are open-ness (who can join in?) and ownership (who owns and controls the outcome?).
CITATION: Kaminski, J. (October, 2009). Editorial: Harnessing the Wave of Co-Creation Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 13, (3). Available at http://ojni.org/13_3/june.pdf

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