From the Editor
This is the current 2009 issue of NI News - the free ezine from the site Nursing Informatics.com.
This publication offers articles, news, product and systems analyses, tech resources and dialogue on global nursing informatics issues, discoveries and theory. We will provide a comprehensive view of informatics in practice, education, research and administration.
If you would like to receive a regular copy, please go HERE to subscribe.
June Kaminski
Read the OJNI -
The Online Journal of
Nursing Informatics
Go to OJNI
As Editor in Charge of Virtual Nursing Practice and Culture, I invite you to submit your research and other papers related to using the online environment as a nursing context for OJNI publication.
Join the CNIA!
As President, I also invite you to join the Canadian Nursing Informatics Association at cnia.ca
Earn Nursing Informatics CEs!
Board Approved CE Courses
Two National Nursing Informatics Conferences On the Horizon!
The Canadian Nursing Informatics Association (CNIA) is hosting the third National Nursing Informatics Conference November 22 to 24, 2009 at the Delta Meadowvale Resort and Convention entre in Mississauga, Ontario. The theme of the Conference is "Nurse 2.0" with a focus on how Web 2.0 and social media, as well as other technological means of collaboration, networking, innovation, and global awareness and initiatives impact on the practice of nursing in Canada. The official Conference web site is at: http://cnia.ca/2009/
Opening Keynote Speaker Juliette Powell, Social Media Expert, best selling author and former Miss Canada
Closing Keynote Speaker Francesca Grosso, Health Policy and Communication Expert
Plenary Speaker Dr Lynn Nagle, Canadian Nursing Informatics Expert, IMIA-NI representative and Founding President of CNIA
PreConference focus: Peer to Peer Networks: Casting the Web. The PreConference will focus on Peer to Peer Networks and how they can work for Canadian nurses. We will look at the various models used to create these Networks, look at the role of the CNIA and other Canadian nursing informatics experts in their development, and brainstorm together about how we can collectively promote usable models within all provinces and territories across the nation.
Plenary Panel on C-HOBIC - Dr. Kathryn Hannah,the “Grand Dame of Canadian Nursing Informatics” and Peggy White are organizing a Plenary Panel about their exciting work with C-HOBIC – the Canadian Health Outcomes for Better Information and Care project, supported by Canada Health Infoway.
The American Nursing Informatics Association (ANIA) and CARING are pleased
to announce their joint annual conference for 2010. The 2010 conference
will be held in Boston on April 22 - 24, 2010. The theme of the conference
is "Re-Evolution in Nursing Informatics". This conference again promises
to be an outstanding educational opportunity for nursing informatics. The official Conference web site is at http://www.ania.org/
The conference objectives are:
- Discuss the opportunities and challenges for nursing informatics as a
result of the Health Care Stimulus Package.
- Identify opportunities in education and career development for nurse
- Discuss strategies for improving system implementations and adoption.
- Describe methods to measure the impact Clinical Information Systems have
on clinicians and patients.
- Discuss innovations in informatics.
For further information visit either the ANIA www.ania.org or Caring
web sites.

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