Beginning my PhD Research Notes

My goal is to meet all requirements for PhD graduation by April 30th, 2009. In order to do this, I have to focus and do at least some work every day between now and then.

First off, I need to read more. To study the education literature more as well as the qualitative.

Topics to research more:

1. Qualitative interview questions
2. Sampling procedures
3. Educational qualitative research
4. Theorists related to technology/informatics into education
5. Thematic analysis

UBC Items to research

1. Ethics Review - BREB certificate granted May 2008
2. Other dissertations

I also need to keep:

1. Personal Notes
2. Theorestical Notes
3. Methodological Notes
4. Data collection notes

Authors to read:

M. Foucault - read books I have now
H. Giroux - read books have now (8)
Clifford Geertz
Denzin and Lincoln
David Silverman
M Patton
Alford - Craft of Inquiry

posted at 04:11:00 on 06/04/07 by nursing - Category: General


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