Traditional Thesis Specifications

Traditional theses contain the following components, in this order:

Preliminary Pages

(numbered in lower case Roman numerals)

1. Title page (mandatory)
2. Abstract (mandatory - maximum 350 words)
3. Table of contents (mandatory - list all items in the preliminary pages starting with the abstract, followed by chapter headings and subheadings, bibliographies and appendices)
4. List of tables (mandatory if thesis has tables)
5. List of figures (mandatory if thesis has figures)
6. List of illustrations (mandatory if thesis has illustrations)
7. Lists of symbols, abbreviations or other (optional)
8. Glossary (optional)
9. Preface (optional)
10. Acknowledgements (optional)
11. Dedication (optional)

Body of Thesis

(not all sections may apply)

1. Introduction
2. Main body
3. Notes (optional)
4. Footnotes (optional)
5. Bibliography (mandatory)
6. Appendices (optional, except for copies of all required UBC Research Ethics Board's Certificates of Approval, if they were required for your research)
7. Index (optional)

posted at 14:27:09 on 05/14/08 by nursing - Category: Methodology


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