06 August

Doing Cultural Studies: Youth and the Challenge of Pedagogy

Doing Cultural Studies:
Youth and the Challenge of Pedagogy
By: Henry A. Giroux

[Harvard Educational Review 64:3 (Fall 1994), pp. 278-308.]

In our society, youth is present only when its presence is a problem, or is regarded as a problem. More precisely, the category "youth" gets mobilized in official documentary discourse, in concerned or outraged editorials and features, or in the supposedly disinterested tracts emanating from the social sciences at those times when young people make their presence felt by going "out of bounds", by resisting through rituals, dressing strangely, striking bizarre attitudes, breaking rules, breaking bottles, windows, heads, issuing rhetorical challenges to the law.

READ PAPER AT: http://www.henryagiroux.com/online_articles/doing_cultural.htm
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