In this section, questions sent in by readers and visitors to the main Nursing Informatics web site are featured. I encourage you to ask questions that you would like to see printed in subsequent issues of this ezine. Go to the Contact Page to submit yours!
Q: Do you offer a study manual or disk associated to this format for the board Informatics Nurse Certification exam?
The courses in the NI Learning Center are rigorously designed and customized your particular learning needs related to Nursing Informatics. For instance, NRPR 101: Introduction to Nursing Informatics can be completely geared to prepare you for this exam. So, to answer your question - at this point in time, a study guide as a book or CD is not available, BUT equivalent content can be addressed, mentored, and thoroughly explored all online, by enrolling in one of the courses offered right on
Q. We are interested in discussing with you further how we might integrate your courses into our current curriculum for our nursing
students (undergraduate and graduate). Is this possible?
Yes, most definitely. These courses are perfect for including in any existing or emerging nursing program. They have been written in the same format as an university semester or term based program, and consist of 13 individual modules.
My on-line students progress through these courses at their own pace, but the content can also be regularly studied to be completed in time for term end. The inherent customization also provides both rigor and leveling so that the content can be suitable for either undergraduate or graduate study. The courses can also be streamlined to meet the needs of various health regions or informatics group for practicing RN professional development. |