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..:: Nursing 4110: Health/Professional Growth::..

Computers and Change


“The fragmentation of human society is a pervasive fact in human affairs and always has been. It persists and increases in our own time as part of an ironic, painful, and dangerous paradox: the more global our science and technology, the more tribal our politics; the more universal our system of communications, the less we know what to communicate; the closer we get to other planets, the less able we become to lead a tolerable existence in our own; the more it becomes apparent that human beings cannot decently survive with their separatenesses, the more separate they become.”
- (C. Rosado, 1998, p.1 Online). .

"You must become the change you wish to see in the world."
- (M. Ghandi)

Ends In View

This learning activity gives the learner the opportunity to:

1. Understand the multiple societal changes inherent in the advancement of technology and computers.

2. Recognize the societal changes that have occurred since the information age began.

3. Explore strategies to guide clients and others to adapt to the changes created by technological advances.

4. Realize the need to become an informed user of computer applications and to remain current with continual change in technology and computer advances.

In Preparation:

1. Read: Fogg, B.J. (1997). Levels of Analysis for Persuasive Computers, Captology: Stanford University.

2. Read: Murray, B. (1995). Society, Cyberspace and the Future: How can new interactive communication technologies enhance harmonious and functional communities at all scales worldwide? Exploratory Aspen Workshop Report, California Institute of Technology.

In Practice:

1. In class, discuss the paradox of computers and society. Consider how computers can be both:

a) An advancement that creates the need for change and adaptation in people.

b) Tools that can help people keep up with societal changes and the global community.

2. Make a list of the various aspects of people’s lives that can be beneficially influenced by the use of computers and the Internet. What might be lost?

3. How does the lack of access to computer equipment and Internet connectivity impact on the lives of certain groups of people, such as lower socioeconomic populations, rural communities, third world nations, and so on? What can be done?

In Reflection:

1. Reflect on how you can support constructive change with individuals, groups, and communities to ease and foster the adaptation to computers and technological advances.

2. How do you see yourself staying abreast of the technological changes that occur each year?


Fogg, B.J. (1997). Levels of Analysis for Persuasive Computers. Captology: Stanford University.

Murray, B. (1995). Society, Cyberspace and the Future: How can new interactive communication technologies enhance harmonious and functional communities at all scales worldwide? Exploratory Aspen Workshop Report, California Institute of Technology.

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