
BSN Program

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Learning Activities

..::Networking, Social Media & Communities of Practice Videos::..


Medical Social Networking

Social Media and Healthcare Part 1: Patients and Physicians

Social Media and Healthcare Part 2: Understanding Social Media

Social Media and Healthcare Part 3: Social Media for Organizations

NURSING Ideas Sceencasts: Mendeley Profile and People

How To Network on Howcast

New Breed of Social Networking sites

NursingIDEAS - Nurses caught using facebook

Social networking spikes with older generations

Surgeons Send 'Tweets' from Operating Room

How to Use Technology & Social Media for Your Health

Social Networking in Health Care: Daily Strength

Leveraging Web Technologies in Healthcare

Microsoft Future Vision : Healthcare

The Secrets to Social Media and Facebook in Your Dental Practice

How Can Nurses Use Social Media to Share their Research and Knowledge? from Julia Gorzka on Vimeo.

Julia Whiteker Discusses the Value of Social Media to Oncology Nurses

Susannah Fox on Social Media for Patient Health... by 5minTech
Susannah Fox on Social Media for Patient Health

Leveraging Social to Better Understand Your Patients from ListenLogic Health on Vimeo.

WebMD: Do Social Media and Modern Medicine Mix?


Cultivating Communities of Practice: Making Them Grow

Communities of Practice Using Wiki by Dr. Brand Niemann

Building a community

The power of video in creating communities of best practice.

Networks vs. Communities of Practice

Career benefits of community of practice participation

Developing Communities of Practice in the Government

Nursing Informatics Integration for the BSN in Nursing Program at Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Design & Content by © June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c) - 1999 - 2011
All rights reserved. No reproduction without written permission